Days of May

Casual Destruction

Days of May began when Andy Cato walked in on a jam session in the town of Auch, South West France. The local band of 3 became 4 and work began on a selection of songs Cato had been carrying around in his head for a while. The first gigs were publicised by posting up lyric sheets around the town. The political message of the music resonated. The band’s indoor and outdoor late night gatherings across the countryside became regular. Throughout this time, the band would get together in a small room equipped with guitars, amps, and old Jupiter, a piano and an 8 track.

You can purchase the album on digital platforms, or on vinyl here.


Track List:

Oh Jane
Beautiful Life
Modern Sounds
Love Won’t Lie
Love Chasing
Love Gold
Loving Chains
So Far from Salvation
My Bed
Get Your Hands Back
Gold Loving Chains {Reprise}